Establishment Branch-II

RTI Appeals and Replies

S.No. Date Subject
 9. 29.10.2024
Sh. Manoj Apreja reg. number of strikes initiated by various unions at PGIMER.
 8. 19.06.2024 Sh. Mahesh reg cadre review details and list of Lab Technician.
 7. 30.05.2024
Sh.J S Bhatti reg certain file correspondences related to National Commission of SC
 6. 15.05.2024
Sh.Roshan Lal Kocher reg copy of Service Book
5. 10.05.2024
Sh.Sanjay Wilikar reg  Paramedical Technical Cadre
4. 03.05.2024
Sh.Owanka Ratori reg Lab technician and Lab Assistant
3. 23.04.2024 Sh.Sudipta Mondal reg no. of vacant posts 
2. 19.04.2024
Sh.Pankaj Kumar Thuwal reg job and duty of Lab tecnicians and Lab Attendants
1. 04.04.2024
Sh.Abhijeet Chaudhary reg qualification of JLT