Establishment Branch -I

RTI Appeals and Replies

S.No. Date Subject
77. 18.11.2024 Dr. Suhas Vishwambhar reg. medical colleges are BAMS-MPH holders eligible for teaching or non-teaching positions in Allopathic Medical Colleges?
76. 11.11.2024 Sh. Vijay Vardhan Rao Rapolu reg. rule of conveyance allowance applicable to faculty staff/ teaching staff for visits to the office along with all terms and conditions.
75. 13.11.2024 Sh. Mohit Walia reg. total number of filled posts.
74. 14.11.2024 Sh. Paramdeep Singh reg. No. of employees who have been granted technical resignation benefits after joining AIIMS from state autonomous bodies.
73. 11.11.2024 Sh. GMA Joshi.
72. 11.11.2024 Ms./Mr. S. Panda reg. if both husband and wife working under one oranization on that case both emplyees can avail HRA.
71. 11.11.2024 Sh. Bahori Lal Verma.
70. 30.10.2024 Sh. Surendra Kumar Sharma reg. name of faculty members/staff are empanelled as external assessors/Inspectors of different Ministry.
69. 02.11.2024 Sh. Parv Sharma
68. 24.10.2024 Sh. Shiv Kumar Sharma reg. Dynamic Assured Career Progression Scheme applicable for AIIMS, PGIMER, JIPMER and other central Govt. Hospitals.
67. 22.10.2024 Sh. Ansh reg. number of hours of duties of doctors and other medical staff.
66. 18.10.2024 Sh. Pritpal Singh reg. complete address of Dr. Gaurav Jain, Senior Resident, Emergency, PGIMER.
65. 08.10.2024 Prof. Narender Kumar reg. certified copy of the list of candidates.
64. 04.10.2024 Sh. Kumar Shashikant Gautam reg. total number of sanctioned teaching posts.
63. 30.09.2024 Sh. Rajesh Gupta reg. details of the independent enquiry conducted by the Vigilance Dept. PGIMER, CHD.
62. 25.09.2024 Sh. Paramdeep Singh reg. periodicity and crucial cut-off date for the new Assessment Promotion Scheme for faculty (INIs).
61. 25.09.2024 Sh. Pravesh reg. no. of doctors sanctioned, the total number of doctors sanctioned for the CGHS in CHD.
60. 21.09.2024 Mr./Ms. Aswini P. reg. rules applying for leave for doctor in all governement hospitals.
59. 20.09.2024 Sh, Shantanu Singh Gaur reg. total number of employees advisors and consultants currently working with the MoHFW its various depts. and autonomous bodies under the Ministry.
58. 21.09.2024 Sh. Jagjivan Prasad reg. information with respect to faculty recruitment of posts of Assistant Professors in different specialities at PGIMER.
57. 20.09.2024 Sh. Tribhukuribagi
56. 21.09.2024 Ms. Gauri Jangpangi reg. any rules governing the recruitment of regular faculty Assistant Professor in PGIMER.
55. 12.09.2024 Sh. Deepak Bansal reg. copy of minutes of meeting of Agenda item no. C-4 discussed in 129th GB meeting.
54. 13.09.2024 Dr. Suresh Kumar reg. providing all noting sheets in his file related to representation regarding the correction of the seniority list.
53. 19.09.2024 Ms. Ruchika reg. learning resource allowance for faculties at central Govt. Hospitals.
52. 28.08.2024 Ms. Pankti Gupta reg. response of PGI Director and PGI Administration by GST Intelligence.
 51. 09.08.2024 Ms. Pankit Gupta reg. PGI Director and PGI administration to letter sent by GST intellegence.
50. 03.08.2024 Mr. Dr. Partha Nath reg. Total No. of Permanent Medical Doctors working in Institute.
49. 31.07.2024 Ms. Baljeet Kaur reg. withdrawn and unfilled post of Assistant professor at PGIMER.
48. 26.07.2024 Sh. Sukhdev Singh reg. position of Assistant Professor of Renal Transplant and Surgery at PGIMER, CHD.
47. 24.07.2024 Sh. GMA Joshi reg. Designation and Qualification of Head of the Department.
46. 24.07.2024 Sh. Neeraj Verma reg. number of persons appoint in each hospital, medical college, research centre, dispensaries of each field in all over India.
45. 24.07.2024 Ms. Jyoti Rana
44. 19.07.2024 Mrs. Aishwarya Pandey reg. how many leaves being sanctioned to Non-Academic Senior Residents (Medical/Dental).
43. 18.07.2024 Sh. Vinod Kumar
42. 16.07.2024 Sh. Mohan Kalyan reg. details of committee membership and administrative posts.
41. 12.07.2024 Sh. Balbir Singh reg. posts/duties and responsibility of Faculty of Hospital Administration.
Sh. Ravi Ranjan
39. 01.07.2024 Ms. Tanvir Kaur reg. current status of PRM department of PGI.
38. 27.06.2024 Sh. Ravi Ranjan
37. 26.06.2024 Ms. Jeetinder Kaur Makkar
36. 25.06.2024 Sh. Subash Chander
Dr. Kushagra Tamta reg. faculty recruitments of PGIMER
 34. 24.06.2024 Sh. A.K. Panda reply by CPIO MS Office
 33. 13.06.2024 Sh.Kumar Ashok reg SR experience related 
 32. 06.06.2024
Sh.Mohan Kalyan reg administrative charge of Dr.Arun Bnasal related
 31. 05.06.2024
Sh.Rohit Thakur reg joining of Dr.Rajeev Chauhan
 30. 27.05.2024
Smt Geeta Sharma reg certain list of SR
 29. 18.05.2024
Sh. D Chandersekar
 28. 16.05.2024
Smt.Geeta Sharma reg list of Senior Residents since 2020
 27. 08.05.2024
Md.Wahid reg Faculty Strength
 26. 30.04.2024
Sh.Stayaveer S Dagur reg reservations roster etc copy for SC/ST and PwD
 25. 30.04.2024
Ms/Mr Ezhilarasu reg certain RTI
 24. 29.04.2024
Sh.Nitesh Goyal reg laeve for SR
 23. 26.04.2024 Sh.Ankush Kumar reg TA
 22. 24.04.2024 Mr/Ms Ezhilarasu reg certain information asked in RTI
Sh.Yogesh Pandit reg Expenditure on training of Doctors etc
 20. 09.04.2024
CPIO,Dept of Forensic Medicine reg RTI of S.Harpreet Singh
 19. 03.04.2024
Sh.Ram reg role of HODs in administration etc.
 18. 18.03.2024
Mrs.Neena Sharma reg HODs list of Dept of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology
Sh.Raman Kumar Ashok reg Degrees of Dr. SriNath Rathor
16. 12.03.2024 Sh.Tejpratap Yadav reg Academic Posts etc.
15. 12.03.2024 Ms.Shruti Kapoor reg certain recruitment 
14. 02.03.2024 Sh.Kartik Mittal reg Geriatric Medicine Training etc
13. 02.03.2024 Sh.Prakash Kumar Singh reg list of new job allotted
12. 29.02.2024 Ms.Sapna reg vacant posts in Virology Dept ad criterion etc
11. 27.02.2024 Sh.Manoj Verma reg no. of technical and lien resignations
10. 21.02.2024 Smt.Prakriti Saini reg OBC seats in Opthalmology Dept
9. 21.02.2024 Sh/Smt Laboni Basak reg certificates of DR.Naresh Panda
8. 19.02.2024 Sh.Harikesh Bahadur Singh reg duties of Medical Officers etc
7. 19.02.2024 Ms.B.Maharani reg Non practicing allowance to faculty
6. 16.02.2024 Ms.Pankti Gupta reg GST and Financial fraud by Mr.Rakesh Sehgal
5. 16.02.2024 Sh.Abhimanyu Raju SR reg night duty of doctors etc
4. 14.02.2024  Ms.Neena Sharama reg HOD tenure of Dept of Exp Med and Biotech.
3. 14.02.2024 Sh.Nitender Kumar reg Critera for becoming Hospital Supdt etc
2. 14.02.2024 Sh.Ronak Patwari reg Enquiry Report of SR attempt to suicide 
1. 14.01.2024 RTI Appeal and Reply of Dr.Saraswati Gupta reg whether doctors can treat at home