Accounts Branch

RTI Appeals and Replies

S.No. Date Subject
64. 06.11.2024 Sh. Aman Kaushik
63. 04.11.2024 Sh. S. Panda reg. total expense of home town LTC for the financial year 2022-23.
62. 04.11.2024 Sh. Shantanu Singh Gaur
61. 04.11.2024 Sh. Mohit Walia
60. 21.10.2024 Sh. M.L. Malik reg. copies of TA bills and etc.
59. 19.10.2024 Sh. Anil Kumar Kaswa
58. 01.10.2024 Smt. Shakuntala.
57. 26.09.2024 Sh. Dharminder Singh
56. 26.09.2024 Mr. Tarundeep Singh reg. employees and government of deposition of NPS contribution to his joining the Institute.
55. 24.09.2024 Sh. Sumit Kumar Jha reg. Total government spending to run the government hospital in 2023-24 Financial Year?
54. 24.09.2024 Sh. Rajneesh Bharara reg. Expenditure details incurred on waste management activities in the last five financial years.
53. 13.09.2024 Mr. Raj Kumar
52. 02.09.2024 Ms. Kiran Jalandhra reg. details of salary and allowances given to Nursing Officers who are pursing MSC Nursing in service.
51. 02.09.2024 Mr. Ashish Sharma reg. salary grade pay, perks, etc. to Nursing Officer.
50. 02.09.2024 Sh. Anubhav Yadav reg. total expenditure in the last financial year of 2023-24.
49. 24.08.2024 Sh. Ashish Sharma reg. salary grade pay, perks, allowances monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly given to Nursing Officer working in PGIMER.
48. 28.08.2024 Sh. Mandip Singh reg. proof signed document of my consent for monthly subscription for MTU.
47. 28.08.2024 Dr.Partha Nath reg. Total no. of permanent Medical Doctors of receiving non practicing allowance.
46. 30.08.2024 Sh. Ashish Sharma reg. Salary and Allownaces paid to Nursing Officers working at PGIMER, Chd.
45. 16.08.2024 Dr. Partha Nath reg. total no. of permanent medical doctores receiving non practicing allowance.
44. 16.08.2024 Smt. Anguri reg. leave encashment for superannuation.
43. 31.07.2024 Sh. Vikas Chawla S/o Sh. Gulshan Kumar reg. to provide latest pay drawn by Ms. Mandeep Kaur Bhatti.
42. 01.08.2024 Sh. Anil Kumar Rohilla reg.details of Grant received by PGIMER from Kaya Kalp till date.
41. 30.07.2024 Sh. Shaji pk reg. Gratuity Balance at the time of Resignation.
40. 19.07.2024 Smt. Anguri reg. asking Gratuity, GPF, Leave Encashment, GIS of her husband.
39. 18.07.2024 Sh. Devashish Prasoon reg.details of annual budget of hiring trained staffs in the hospital and annual budget of procurement of equipment in hospital.
38. 16.07.2024 Sh. Ram Kumar reg salary slip from Feb-1993 to Dec. 1994
37. 12.07.2024 Sh. Mahaveer Prasad Godara reg. increasing percentage in nursing allownace, dress allownace, TA, HRA and other allownace.
 36. 08.07.2024
Sh. Roshan Lal Kocher
 35. 08.07.2024 Mrs. Nirupma
 34. 01.07.2024
Dr. Himanshu Nath reg. salary details for the post of Junior Resident(Academic)
 33. 03.06.2024
CPIO Est-MA reg RTI of Sh.Ranjit Singh
32. 03.06.2024
CPIO Est-MA reg RTI of Sh.Nishad
31. 30.05.2024 Dr Naveen Kumar Nautiyal reg PM Care Fund
30. 30.05.2024 Mr.Pradeepa T reg pending HRA Arrear of JR
29. 30.05.2024 Sh.Ashok KUmar Kaul reg commutation pay calculation details
 28. 29.05.2024 Sh.Jitendra Banjara reg budget and expenditure in last 5 years of National Health Research Dept
27. 29.05.2024 Sh.Sukhchain Singh reg AIIMS related information
 26. 29.05.2024
Sh. M D Wahid reg annual budget allocation from 20220-2024
 25. 28.05.2024
Sh.Roshal Lal Kocher reg copy of service book record etc of Sh.Munish Kocher
 24. 28.05.2024
Mr.Shaji PK reg gratuity balance related
 23. 21.05.2024
Sh.Subhash Chander reg certain copy of Audit Para
 22. 18.05.2024
Sh.Jitender Vaish reg certified copy of pay slips
 21. 02.05.2024
Smt.Veena reg salary record
 20. 22.04.2024 Sh.Janardhanan S B reg Grant in Aid
 19. 25.04.2024 Sh.Paras Ram Sharma reg copy of pension of Mr.R K Goyal
 18. 18.04.2024
Sh.Gurpreet Singh reg annual expenditure on Health Care etc
 17. 18.04.2024
CPIO Research Grant cell reg RTI of Sh.Kartil Mittal
 16. 18.04.2024
Mrs.Vijay Singh reg Pension related issue
 15. 18.04.2024
Sh.Yogesh Pandit reg Expenditure and income from Heath Ministry related
 14. 15.04.2024
Mrs.Nirupma reg service related benefits
 13. 15.04.2024
CPIO ,Estb. Branch reg RTI of Smt.Anu Juneja
 12. 08.04.2024
CPIO,Estb.Branch reg RTI of Sh.R.K.Goel
 11. 06.04.2024 Sh.Saravarnan reg Salary issues
 10. 06.04.2024 Sh.Sunil Kumar reg Salary issues
 9. 04.04.2024
Sh.Davinder Singh reg Documents related to Ms.Harjit Kaur
 8. 20.03.2024
Mr. Om Kerkar reg deduction of TDS of Doctors etc
7. 16.03.2024 Smt.Rani reg Shakuntla Devi ,SA
6. 16.03.2024 Sh.Sarwan Kumar reg Service record of employees of SHE
5. 16.03.2024
Sh.Kritik Roshan RV reg Fee structure for aborting pregnancy
4. 04.03.2024  Sh.Kunal Patel reg amt of money spent on Public Infrastructure etc 
3. 29.02.2024 Sh.Sanjay Bhatt reg copy of last pay certificate
2. 23.02.2024  Sh.Kartik Mittal  reg funds received from NPHCE
1. 13.02.2024 Sh.Tarundeep Singh seeking info reg Time duration of payment of Arrears