Achievements of 2020-2021
The global pandemic of COVID-19 has taught us two lessons – first, that despite technological advances, mankind is extremely fragile and vulnerable, andsecond, that when pushed to the wall, mankind is capable of resilience and tenacity. The new 250 bedded Nehru Hospital Extension section of the PGIMER was converted, virtually overnight, into a dedicated temporary COVID hospital.In addition to this dedicated COVID Block, several areas in Nehru Hospital (e.g.Neonatology Unit, Obstetrics & Gynecology Department), Advanced Pediatrics Centre and Advanced Trauma Centre were established as special care wards for looking after these patients.
Several committees were set up to oversee all aspects of management of the pandemic from testing to screening to management of COVID patients. Special arrangements were also made for transporting and accommodating all strata of healthcare workers. Emergent facilities were created for educating healthcare workers about donning and Doffing PPE kits. Several items of life-saving equipment were procured on an urgent basis to provide critical care for affected patients.

The Department of Virology set up a high throughput diagnostic laboratory for COVID testing. Results of RT-PCR and GeneXpert tests were made available the same day. The Institute has successfully managed over 4102 indoor and 377 under observation' proven COVID positive patients. Around 1,72,909 patients have been screened in OPDs across the Institute since March 2020. In these difficult circumstances, PGI also launched innovative Tele-OPD services where, on an average, 2500 -3000 patients were attended to on a daily basis. Apart from heavy clinical and teaching responsibilities, the faculty of PGI has been engaged in high quality research and attracts research grants from several funding agencies. Funding received through extra-mural grants now stands atapprox. Rs. 54 crores every year. The number of indexed publications in the last 12 months has been over 1700 – many amongst these are in high impact peer reviewed journals. Faculty members and students of the PGI have received several coveted awards, orations, memberships and fellowships of academic societies in the past year.

PGI has been selected twice as Cleanest Public Sector Hospital under the Government of India's 'Kaya Kalp Puraskar Yojana'. Under the National Institutional Ranking Framework of the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, PGI has been ranked second in the country for the third time in thehealth sector category.
Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has declared PGI as Best Hospital in Public Sector for Cadaveric Organ Donations for the year 2019-20.We are actively engaged in establishing a Patient Friendly Information System in the Institute under the realization of Digital India Campaign of Government of India. With a view to bring efficiency and transparency in the admission and selection processes in various courses, several reforms have been introduced in the Institute. Following pictures depict the various new advanced facilities/centers inaugurated during 2020-21.
Advanced PET-CT Facility was inaugrated on 20,March,2021 by Dr.Harsh Vardhan
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