Downloadable Forms


  1. Hospital Cleanliness Feedback Form
  2. Hospital cleanliness Feedback Form (online)
  3. GI Liver App for iOS smartphone.
  4. GI Liver App for Android smartphone.
  5. Complicated Chronic Certificate
  6. Form for Statement of Immovable Property

  7. Form for Financial Assistance under Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) and Health Minister's Discretionary Grants (HMDG) to patients living Below Poverty Line.

  8. Application for Obtaining Disability Certificate by Persons with Disabilities

  9. Proforma for Allotment of Private Room
  10. Insurance Claim Form(For Self)

  11. Insurance Claim Form(In case of death)

  12. RTI Form Bilingual

  13. Requisition for withdrawal of amont from PGI Pvt. Grant A/C
  14. Animal Experiment Form

  15. Conference Application Form

  16. Conveyance Allowance Form

  17. Equipment Performa

  18. International Conference Form

  19. Local Purchase Form

  20. Essentiality Certificates (Appendix -XIV) Certificate 'A'

  21. Essential Certificate for issue of Not admissible drugs to PGI Staff

  22. Reimbursement of Medical Claim Form
  23. Medical Certificate(for  PGI employees Only)
  24. Proforma of "Will Form" and "Whole-Body Donation Card"
  25. Application Form for registration of vendors for procurement of various consumables

    for hospital use.

  26. Earned Leave Form(for PGI employees only)
  27. Pro forma for Registration in Staff Clinic((For Students/Junior Residents/Research Fellows under Institute Research Schemes)
  28. Registration Proforma for New Registration or addition/deletion of family dependent(s) with Staff Clinic
  29. Joint Declartion for Medical Facilities
  30. Therapeutic drug management form
  31. Travelling Allowance Form

  32. Railway Booking Form

  33. Application Form for creation of OFFICIAL E-Mail Account on
  34. Life Certificate 2023-24 for Pensioners
  35. Condemnation Certificate
  36. Refund of Revenue
  37. Receipt Challan
  38. Hindi Font
  39. External Quality Assurance Program in Medical Mycology-Instructions and Form
  40. Application Form For Issue of Identity Card of PGIMER, Chandigarh
  41. Performa/form for newspaper allowance
  42. Organ Donation Pledge Form
  43. Various forms of Nursing Department
  44. Affidavit format for declaration of dependency of father/mother/father-in-law/mother-in-law, as applicable, for availing medical facilities in accordance with CCS (MA) Rules, 1944 as per recent amendment (For PGI Employees)
  45. Children Education Allowance Claim Form
  46. Nomination Form
  47. Accommodation Form for Quarantine
  48. Accommodation Form for Duty Period
  49. HRA Performa
  50. राजभाषा हिंदी के प्रगामों प्रयोग से संबंधित तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्ट प्रोफोर्मा
  51. हिन्दी शिक्षण योजना के अधीन प्रबोध/प्रवीण/प्राज्ञ/हिन्दी टंकण/हिन्दी आशुलिपि परीक्षा पास करने पर वैयक्तिक वेतन पाने के लिए विचारार्थ प्रपत्र।
  52. हिन्दी शिक्षण योजना के अधीन प्रबोध/प्रवीण/प्राज्ञ परीक्षाएं उत्तीर्ण करने पर नकद पुरस्कार पाने के लिए विचारार्थ प्रपत्र।
  53. हिन्दी शिक्षण योजना के अधीन हिन्दी टंकण/ हिन्दी आशुलिपि परीक्षाओं में उत्तीर्ण होने पर नकद पुरस्कार के विचाराधीन अनुदान के लिए प्रपत्र।
  54. Form for obtaining Birth Certificate
  55. Form for obtaining Death Certificate
  56. Intend form for booking of Video Conference (with External Participants)
  57. Circular and employment certificate(Annexure 1) for the purpose of COVID-19 vaccination
  58. HEM/IM (e-Asset ) Equipment Details Format
  59. HEM/IM (e-Asset) User Id creation Performa
  60. Performa for issue of slides and block
  61. LTC Claim Form for Group C and D  Employees
  62. Library Membership Form for PGIMER Staff
  63. Whole gut sugar permeability test Requisition Form (Payment code PR006)
  64. Plasma CLOZAPINE level lab test Requisition Form (Payment code PR 005)
  65. Circular and Application Form for wheat loan/Advance for Group 'C' employees for the Session 2024-25.

    1.Circular    2.Application Form
  66. Sample submission form for Bio-Bank.
  67. Transport Requisition Form
  68. GPF withdrawal Form
  69. Application form to participate in any International/ National Programme (Conference / Seminars/ Workshops etc.) involving no financial liability on the part of the PGIMER, Chandigarh.
  70. Pension Grievance Registration Form
  71. Performa for No Dues Certificate for Tulsi Das Library for all employees resigning/retiring/completing studies
  72. Leave Travel Concession Form
  73. Form for Warfarin Pharmacogenetic panel testing by Dept of pharmacology
  74. Claim form for Housing loan for the F.Y. 2023-24.
  75. Income Tax Saving Proforma for FY 2023-24
  76. Performa for Requesting NO DUES Certificate without Card/Duplicate Card for Lost Library Membership Card
  77. Income Tax Circular and Savings Proforma for FY 2024-25


Accommodation Form for Duty Period